Nina Blount

    Ai provides insurance programs to both general contractors and sub-contractors. We understand the number of unique construction exposures you face daily, which
    • Insure with Certainty
    • 38 Greensboro Drive., 2nd Floor Toronto
      Toronto, M9W 1E1,


    Ai provides insurance programs to both general contractors and sub-contractors. We understand the number of unique construction exposures you face daily, which


    Finance Insurance
    Contractor's Insurance
    Contractors Insurance Program
    AI Insurance


    The Ai Organization is an interrelated group of financial companies, specialized in contractors and construction insurance, surety bonding, guarantees programs, and related insurances- specific to the real estate and construction industries;

    Affinity Insurance is a retail bonding and insurance brokerage, licensed across Canada and the USA.

    We cater to private and public companies alike -delivering superior value to our clients –across Canada and abroad. Our Staff and Surety Partners are the best the industry has to offer.
