Simulation Powered Learning

    Online and onsite project management, PMI, PMP, business analysis, Agile, Scrum, change management and leadership training using simulation powered learning.
    Added on 03 November 2018
    #Scrum Mandatory workshop starts by determining basic work for the best practice method based on Scrum, through lectures, debates, questions, and group exercises. Visit here
    Agile and Scrum Essentials For Practitioners Training: Learn by doing SPL simulationpl.com A 2 day SPL class on Agile and Scrum. Practice and develop Agile skills by planning and managing a computer simulation of a realistic Agile project...

    Added on 30 October 2018
    PMP certification training Minneapolis you can achieve your desired result. With the help of online training program for PMP certification, you will earn the skills and the knowledge needed to get the certificate. Visit here https://simulationpl.com/training-and-certification/