Modern Movement

    At Modern Movement we believe in a strong dynamic yoga practice, we love music, we love the beach, we love healthy living and most of all we love Yoga.
    • Yoga
    Added on 08 May 2019

    Why Does Your Body Happen To Be Shaking In Your Yoga Class?

    The question of a shaking body while in class performing yoga in Mona Vale is one that constantly comes up from several students. Several individuals experience the trembling, vibrating, or even shaking of muscles while performing poses that demand effort, or a movement that’s experienced just as physically intense. The trembling could even occur when holding a pose that isn’t physically intense (like a resting posture) for longer than you normally use to. The sensation of trembling muscles, apparently from nowhere and totally out of your control, might feel quite strange. It is as if your body possesses a mind of its own. There’s a lot more truth to it than you might have thought…

    Objectives of your ‘animal body’

    Your ‘entire being’ comprises many interconnected components. Two of them are your animal body and conscious mind. We will separate them for a moment and concentrate on the animal body. It has just a few objectives, of which, eating, basic, survival, and sleeping are most critical. Impulses which trigger the body’s survival mode are events, situations, or even individuals that your body perceives to be hazardous, even if or when your mind doesn’t.

    As the body is an animal body, it reacts to whatever it is that it perceives similar to how a wild animal would. Your body is quite equipped to handle such ‘threat’ situations. This is among the key reasons why the body shakes during yoga classes in Mona Vale. Your metabolism instantly alters, stress hormones activate, muscles energy increases (basically, you become a lot faster and stronger), and the state of your mind is also geared towards only survival. You might probably have heard this being called your flight or fight mode. Everybody features these amazing abilities; they’re encoded in the body and nervous system.

    The importance of going back to balance

    Nevertheless, it isn’t quite healthy for the body to remain in this survival state for as long as it takes lots of energy. Thus, it’s crucial for the body’s health to return back to its resting state after it’s been activated, basically for the sake of reinstating energy levels and countering the varying negative effects of prolonged stress.

    When the body is in a relaxation mode, it repairs the damage done to tissues and muscles, brings down stress hormone levels, so the body can return to producing hormones and enzymes for food digestion (to obtain energy), and obtain nourishing sleep to reinstate excellent health to the body and brain. In a relaxation mode, your mental and emotional states also return to normal balance. And, very logically, it’s here that the animal body desire to be most times. Who can argue with that?

    Is the shaking normal?

    Simultaneously, you could think this is abnormal or feels funny. Understand that it’s just your conscious mind that passing judgment about it. And your mind has a real tendency to think that it’s right about all things. But your animal body cares not; it just desires to return to its baseline.

    It is hoped that this article has answered your question of why your body shakes when you are in class learning yoga in Mona Vale. Read more: http://modernmovement.com.au


    The vision for Modern Movement is yoga with purpose. Ask why, and let that curiosity inspire your movement, your breath and your potential. We create an experience that offers more than just a good sweat More
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